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Let Go: Cage Free Voices Restoration Course 1.0

One-time Cost: $197

About Course

The Cage Free Voices Restoration Course involves the reconstruction of the heart and mind during and after the process of extreme relational distress; bringing people one step closer to a more stable state to remain fully functional in daily life while also moving toward one’s life purpose.


“Let Go ” is a course created by Smithen, providing those experiencing relational stress with practical steps to becoming restored. It includes a 68-page workbook with seven instructional videos narrated by characters you meet from the DTR performance, taking people through what Bathsheba terms, “The Restoration Spectrum,” a spectrum designed to help individuals journey from brokenness to acceptance and internal freedom.

What Will I Learn?

  • The Cage Free Voices Restoration Course invites participants to venture down the path of restoration by:
  • Encouraging awareness of self; how we view ourselves and our external climate will impact how we interact with others;
  • Increasing emotional fortitude to enhance one’s ability to handle difficulty and manage everyday responsibilities in the wake of
  • relational stress and;
  • Providing practical steps to having courageous internal and external conversations to improve one’s locus of control
  • Locus of Control- In Psychology “locus of control” is the degree to which people believe they have control over their lives, as opposed to external forces beyond their control.

The price for membership is $197.00 now.

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